The Gift | Ephesians 2:1-10 | Jarrod Cochran

Dec 22, 2024    Jarrod Cochran

This message reminds us of the profound gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. The sermon delves deep into Ephesians 2, revealing our former state of spiritual death and the transformative power of God's grace. We're challenged to consider the reality of our sinful nature and the incredible mercy of God, who, despite our rebellion, chose to make us alive in Christ. The message emphasizes that salvation is entirely a gift from God - not something we can earn or boast about. This truth should inspire overwhelming gratitude and a desire to live out our faith through good works, not to earn salvation but as a response to it. As we approach Christmas, we're urged to look beyond the manger scene and celebrate the ultimate purpose of Christ's coming: to reconcile us to God and empower us to live holy lives.